Center for consciousness, personal development and inspiration
Anita Daulne
Bulgan Windhorse
Atarangi Muru
Concha Garcia Allen
Don Rogelio
Helmy Helmink
Jari Lappi
Lotte Willemsma
Jacques Theron
Mellisa Ransdorp
Michaela van der Meer
Pepe Mendoza Loli
Rimke Peppers
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Satyadev Barman
Soila Picota Vargas
Te Kaha
Wai Turoa Morgan
Wai is een krachtig medium uit Nieuw Zeeland. Ze brengt de oude wijsheid van haar volk. Zij is een briljante helderziende docente die diep contact heeft met het zielsaspect van mensen, bomen en geneeskruiden. Ze leert mensen de healer in zichzelf te vinden en werkt met de energie van de voorouders. Haar Maori gezangen en dansen zijn krachtig en ontroerend tegelijk. "Mijn grootste gift is het delen van de kennis die mijn voorouders mij hebben gegeven."(Wai) "Healing the past heals the now and creates a new future. Trough the mist of time we come down the bloodlines. We are where we come from. We become who we were before and take the dream further".
In Memoriam
"...the greatest gift I can give, is the sharing of my knowledge..." My Disclosure Statement TeWaimatao Turoa-Morgan. I am a New Zealand born female Mâori elder Matakite (seer) spiritual advisor, shaman wisdom teacher, life coach, mentor and counsellor. I work with people worldwide who have issues that relate to emotional and spiritual imbalances, caused often through the environment and society they have chosen or not chosen to live. In many cases these issues can be seen as linked to influences or actions of others. The loss of self-identity and emotional fragmentation is often caused by inability to move through the process of grief of the past or the now. My mission statement is to raise peoples consciousness to the levels of white light, knowing that when this happens all conditions will roll away.