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Center for consciousness, personal development and inspiration
Anita Daulne
Bulgan Windhorse
Atarangi Muru
Concha Garcia Allen
Don Rogelio
Helmy Helmink
Jari Lappi
Lotte Willemsma
Jacques Theron
Mellisa Ransdorp
Michaela van der Meer
Pepe Mendoza Loli
Rimke Peppers
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Satyadev Barman
Soila Picota Vargas
Te Kaha
Wisdom Keepers That Share Their Wisdom in Kura Waka
At this page you can find the information of the various wisdom keepers we exchange with during workshops or ceremonies.
If you are interested to rent Kura Waka and host your own workshop or event you can contact us and also check the page To Rent.
We can support the event on the agenda as well as in the newsletter and social media of Kura Waka.
In Memoriam
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