Center for consciousness, personal development and inspiration
Anita Daulne
Bulgan Windhorse
Atarangi Muru
Concha Garcia Allen
Don Rogelio
Helmy Helmink
Jari Lappi
Lotte Willemsma
Jacques Theron
Mellisa Ransdorp
Michaela van der Meer
Pepe Mendoza Loli
Rimke Peppers
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Satyadev Barman
Soila Picota Vargas
Te Kaha
Atarangi Muru
My name is Atarangi Muru and I am a Maori Healer. My name translates as Ata (dawn) Rangi (light).
My passion for the Maori healing arts was first ignited by my elders. Today I help people return to the dawning light that is at the core of their cells and reignite the memory of wellness and joy.

I come from Aotearoa New Zealand which is located in the south Pacific Ocean. I am affiliated to the Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri and Te Rarawa tribes. I was raised in the small, remote, coastal community of Ahipara
My healing training started at an early age as it did for many others in those times. Being taught at the knees of my many Kuia (Elder women) and Koroua (Elder men), is the traditional method. Today I pass these healing arts forward to my children, my grandchildren and my extended family both biological and spiritual.
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