Center for consciousness, personal development and inspiration
Anita Daulne
Bulgan Windhorse
Atarangi Muru
Concha Garcia Allen
Don Rogelio
Helmy Helmink
Jari Lappi
Lotte Willemsma
Jacques Theron
Mellisa Ransdorp
Michaela van der Meer
Pepe Mendoza Loli
Rimke Peppers
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Satyadev Barman
Soila Picota Vargas
Te Kaha
Michaela van der Meer
From 1999 on Michaela has been joining many courses and educations. She is a healer as well Vision Quest and Sweatlodge leader. Various indiginous medicine people have crossed her path, and shared their wisdom.
Throughout this deep awakening she felt a deep longing and made the promise to Norma Panduro to keep the ceremonies alive, for the future generations.
In the center Kura Waka she organises workshops with national and international teachers. She runs sweatlodges, Vision Quests and Deep Body Healing workshops at Kura Waka as well where invited.
"Nature is my greatest teacher." I live and manifest my dream in my center Kura Waka. In contact with my passion, and all the wisdom that i received from various indiginous medicine people, I love to share this wisdom.