Center for consciousness, personal development and inspiration
Anita Daulne
Bulgan Windhorse
Atarangi Muru
Concha Garcia Allen
Don Rogelio
Helmy Helmink
Jari Lappi
Lotte Willemsma
Jacques Theron
Mellisa Ransdorp
Michaela van der Meer
Pepe Mendoza Loli
Rimke Peppers
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Satyadev Barman
Soila Picota Vargas
Te Kaha
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin
Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin is an Adwaita Vedanta spiritual master, mystic and a founder of the school of brahma Vidya Siddhanta and the Sacchidanandaprem Foundation.
Since 2004, He has been traveling India, Asia and Europe, giving lectures on his experiential teaching and leading various intensive retreats.
In 1984, Sacchidanandaprem was born and raised in a srivaishnava scholar family, the lineage descending from Ramanuja tradition, in India. He carried the spiritual heritage with studying and serving in Srivaishnava Seva Ashram, in his village, while studying in school. He had his curiosity to find the supreme reality at age of ten. Later, as a result of a spontaneous revelation of divine consciousness, he lost all interest in his worldly life, with his university study too.

After, Sacchidanandaprem spent several years of intensive spiritual pursuit, including the spiritual studies and practices in various traditional institutions of many masters and living as a wandering ascetic in India. He visited the land of the sages, Himalaya and met his last guru, a Himalayan wandering sage in 2004. Shortly, he experienced the ‘supreme conscious’.
His spontaneous vision continues to offer an opportunity for all humans, to recognize their self being, the absolute truth, consciousness, bliss and love with a little deep sincere effort. As a spiritual healer, he has healed hundreds of people from diseases of mind, body and emotion. With deeply compassionate insight, a spiritual pioneer Sacchidanandaprem is dedicated to many humanitarian activities such as food aid, nutrition, health system, education and environment. He is the infinitely blissful with simplicity, beyond particular religion, tradition, and cult, incorporating to present the path of transcendental living.