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Ancestral Ceremonial Prayer Retreat.jpg

11. - 13. April 2025

Ancestral Ceremonial Prayer retreat By Reino van der Velde and Michaela van der Meer.
During this retreat you will get the opportunity to connect with the plant kingdom and work with your Sacred Soul. You will be guided by the feminine grace of Michaela and Reino who, between them, hold decades of experience in ancestral traditions of the Amazone; Michaela initiated in the Shipibo Conibo lineage and Reino in the Shuar lineage.


As spirited bridgers between the Amazonian and Western world’s Michaela and Reino hold a safe space for the Spirits to come, and for us to dive deep into ourselves and other realms. Let’s gather to pray, to root down deep, to become more conscious, to learn, to listen, surrender, heal to Feel, Be. Love.



Friday 11 April, we welcome you around 17pm.

Opening ritual and first ceremony starts around 20pm.


Saturday 12 April, systemic dance ritual around 13pm.
which invites us to consciously connect with the nectar and wisdom of our ancestors.

We enter the second ceremony around 20pm.


Sunday 13 April, bodywork session around 11am.
Closing ritual will start around 12pm.

Farewells and move into the world invigorated around 13pm.

Exchange: €444,- including 2 Ceremonies, 2 bodywork sessions, spirited stay and organic bliss meals.


You can buy your ticket here.


Michaela van der Meer
Reino van der Velde

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